THEORETICAL UNDERSTANDING OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED EDUCATION (using the example of Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev)





Shamsumova Emma

Associate professor, Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev (Yekaterinburg), сandidate of legal sciences, associate professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-9418-380X, e-mail:

Shamsumova Emma

The author examines the basic concepts of practice-oriented educational activity, formulated by scientists-teachers, then reveals the understanding of the practice itself, as some kind of testing, experience gained as a result of study, research and activity. The author attempts to analyze the categorical apparatus: «practice  oriented education», «practice-oriented educational environment», «practice-oriented approach», «practice-oriented training», «practice-oriented preparation», «practiceoriented technologies», associated with practical orientation from the point of view of the encyclopedic criterion with refraction in relation to the law school, in particular the Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev. A conclusion is drawn to the characteristics of the categorical apparatus: breadth (there are concepts in the narrow and broad senses), variability (relative to approaches based on an industry or area of knowledge), functionality (related to the implementation of competencies), dynamism (capable of being filled and improved), universality (covers all stages of the educational process). The author emphasizes the importance of the practical orientation of education, which is not just a trend, but a requirement of the time, where the state is interested in qualified specialists, since it cannot stop in its development, it cannot but improve, and graduates, in order to be viable and competitive, must have professional qualities thinking, self-organization and self-development.

Key words: 

student practice, practice-oriented education, practice-oriented educational environment, practice-oriented approach, practice-oriented training, practiceoriented preparation, practice-oriented technologies

For citation: 

Shamsumova E. (2023) Theoretical understanding of practice-oriented education (using the example of Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev). In Elektronnoe prilozhenie k «Rossiiskomu yuridicheskomu zhurnalu», no. 6, pp. 34–40. DOI: 076/22196838_2023_6_34.

Text of the article: 

Publication date: 
Thursday, 16.05.2024
