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The review covers the work of the All-Russian scientific and methodological round table «Professionally oriented translation: problems, innovations, traditions». The event came about in March of 2023. The department of Russian, foreign languages and cul ture of speech of the Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev initiated and organized the conference. The headquarters of the project was in Yekaterinburg, but Internet communication allowed to unite 100 participants from different cities of the Russian Federation in order to exchange views on professional issues. The research interests of the All-Russian scientific and methodological round table allowed discussing the most relevant and significant problems of professionally oriented translation in the era of rapid changes in the modern world. The reports and presentations and the subsequent discourse of the participants of the round table reflected the issues that required further scientific reflection and application in the practical activities. Both teachers of professionally oriented translation in a non-linguistic higher schools and translators-practitioners dwelled upon cultural codes and communicative translation tools, typical difficulties and errors in translating scientific text into Russian and other (foreign) languages, methodological aspects of teaching translation.
professionally oriented translation, foreign language, translating competence, erratology, intercultural communication
Borovkova M., Tayurskaya S. (2023) Professionally oriented translation: problems, innovations, traditions: reviewing the round table discussion. In Elektronnoe prilozhenie k «Rossiiskomu yuridicheskomu zhurnalu», no. 4, pp. 96–105, DOI: http: // 10.34076/22196838_2023_4_96.