Tolstykh V. Chinese doctrine of international law in the era of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping (1949–1992)
Sinyakin I. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: consolidation of the regime and establishment of the mechanism
Konoplyanko A. The concept and objectives of territorial state changes in the context of modern international law
Avdeeva O. States obligations under the right to health: on the borderline between idealism and realism
Gaitova E. Biographical methodological approach in the history of political and legal doctrines: the concept and cognitive capabilities
Abdullin A., Davletgildeev R., Gibadullin T. International law in the context of global transformation: regional integration and interregional cooperation: overview of the international legal session of the III Kazan international legal forum
Kalinichenko P. Going back to the imperial past of Russian science of international law. Book review: The Science of International Law in Pre-Revolutionary Russia / ed. by L. A. Lazutin, R. M. Khalafyan. – Moscow: Prospect, 2025. – 192 p.