Happy New Year!

The editors of the journal heartily congratulate all authors and readers on the upcoming New Year! We sincerely wish you health, new scientific achievements, successful defences, new knowledge, interesting meetings!

Wish you a wonderful spring holiday!

Our dear ladies, we cordially congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday! We wish you more smiles, bright impressions, love, new achievements and success in everything!

Happy New Year!

The editors of the journal heartily congratulate all authors and readers on the upcoming New Year! We sincerely wish you health, new scientific achievements, successful defences, new knowledge, interesting meetings!

Wish you a wonderful spring holiday!

Our dear ladies, we cordially congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday! We wish you more smiles, bright impressions, love, new achievements and success in everything!

Happy New Year!

Dear readers and authors!

Let us congratulate you on the upcoming new year 2023 and wish you all the best and brightest in the coming year! May all projects be implemented, wisdom fill our minds, and love fill our hearts!

International Women's Day!

Dear ladies, accept our warm congratulations with International Women's Day! More smiles, vivid impressions and feelings, new scientific successes and achievements!